The Department

Teacher education is the most crucial input for improving the quality of school education since the policies prepared for schools are to be implemented by the teachers, the teachers’ needs to be prepared accordingly. The NCERT, therefore, addresses itself to the task of formulation and organization of teacher education programmes both pre-service and in-service. The programmes and activities of the Department of Teacher Education & Extension (DTEE) focus on research, development of materials, capacity building of teachers and teacher educators, academic support to the centrally –sponsored institutions of teacher education like DIETs, SCERTs, CTEs and IASEs; promotion of innovations and experimentations in teacher education and school education and organization of extension programmes.

The main functions of the Department are:

  • To perform the policy and advisory role in teacher education and provide technical support to MHRD and State/UT governments in formulation, implementation and evaluation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes for Qualitative Improvement of Teacher Education.
  • To perform ‘Think Tank’ function in the area of teacher education and pedagogy which include review/renewal of pre-service teacher programmes at different levels and formulation of models/designs of in-service education, continuing education and life long education of the teachers.
  • To adopt and assist SCERTs/SIEs for developing them as autonomous professional institutions in the States/UTs dealing with all aspects of school education and teacher education.
  • To promote innovations and experimentations in the field of school education and teacher education.
  • To organize in-service and continuing education programmes of varied duration for teachers and teacher educators/master trainers/key resource persons KRP at different levels utilizing emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) and facilities of EDUSAT.
  • To undertake policy research/ studies, interdisciplinary researches, evaluative studies and comparative studies on issues of teacher education like pre-service teacher education curriculum, in-service training designs, foundation components of pre-service teacher education practice teaching School/Professional experience Program and pedagogy
  • To develop materials highlighting new approaches of teaching-learning, pedagogy and teacher’s training as highlighted in NCF-2005 and NCFTE-2009.