Role and Function
The NCERT acts as an implementing agency for bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEPs) in the area of school education. The International Relations Division (IRD) of NCERT coordinates various activities in this regard. These activities are as follows:
- Exchange of information about school education system, curriculum, and instructional materials with other countries and international agencies:
- In addition to carrying out activities sponsored or supported by UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, COL etc., it organizes programmes for foreign delegates, experts, teachers and teacher educators in the field of school education.
- It undertakes short-term in-service training programmes for foreign nationals in the field of school and teacher education.
- The Division sponsors faculty members for participation in the international seminars, meetings, symposia and training programmes under the aegis of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP etc.
- It functions as Secretariat of the National Development Group (NDG) of UNESCO’s Asia Pacific Programme of Educational Innovations for Development (APEID). The NCERT is one of Associated Centers of the APEID. The APEID related functions of the NCERT as an associated centre include sharing of innovative experiences with other associated centers.
The broad functions of the Division relate to development of cooperation with foreign countries through exchange of materials and personnel with requisite expertise. In addition it organizes training programmes to help them develop capacities in various aspects of school and teacher education. Memorandom of Understanding (MOU) signed under the Educational Exchange and Cultural Exchange Programmes between India and other different countries provide broad guidelines for undertaking various activities by the Division. Besides the functions stated above, the faculty members in the Division take up work in their area of specialization.