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About Us
Senior Functionaries
Disclosure Under RTI
Constituents and Departments
National Institute of Education
Regional Institutes of Education
Central Institute of Educational Technology
PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education
National Talent Search Examination
All India School Education Survey
Promoting Teacher Innovation
Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani
Media Programmes
Research Grants (ERIC)
Programme Advisory Committee
Implementation of NEP - 2020
International Yoga Day
Kala Utsav
Foundation Day
Launch of eRaksha
Health and Well-Being
Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani(RBVP)
List of Publication
State/ Uts eBook (epub)
Vocational Education
CCE Packages
Bridge Course Package
Barkha Series
Other Publications
Journals and Periodicals
Non-Print Materials
Information to Customers
Childrens Book
Model Question Papers
Books Indent Form
School Kits
Exemplar Problems
Laboratory Manuals
50 years of NCERT
Results Framework Document
Trilingual Dictionaries
Adult Education
Jaadui Pitara
Special Modules
Indian Language Primers
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Telephone Directory
Tender Archive
Inviting Sealed Quotation for Printing, Binding and supply of 15 General Books under programme (Strengthening Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) on 100 GSM Art Paper
Tender for Virtual Exhibition of Pariksha Pe Charcha
Inviting Quotations for hiring of truck from NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi to Sports University of Haryana, Rai(Sonipat),Haryana- and back
Inviting Quotations for hiring of truck from NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi to Panchkula, Haryana - and Back
Cancellation Notice
Inviting e-tender for providing the Catering Services in NIE-Guest House & NIE-Canteen - NCERT, New Delhi
Invitation of Laundry work in NIE Guest House/PG Hostel & NCERT Hq, New Delhi
Invitation of Sealed Quotations from Firms/Vendors for binding of Books, Volume of Journals and other documents of NIE Library, NCERT, New Delhi
Inviting Bid for Printing, Binding and supply of 7 titles of Ullaas study material.
Invitation of Sealed Quotations from Firms/Vendors for binding of Books, Volume of Journals and other documents of NIE Library, NCERT, New Delhi
Offline Single Tender Enquiry Document for Repairing and Re-charge of TATA Sky in the NIE Guest House & PG Hostel NCERT
Expression of Interest for Virtual Exhibition of Pariksha Pe Charcha
Single Tender Enquiry Document for Repairing and Re-charge of TATA Sky in the NIE Guest House & PG Hostel NCERT
Inviting online auction bids for disposal of the condemned/unserviceable/obsolete materials pertaining to the different departments/sections of CIET, NCERT
Printing, Binding, Manufacturing and supply of 500 copies of Coffee Table book of Third Anniversary of NEP 2020
Advertisement and Application Form for the empanelment of vendors for the year 2024
(Last Date :- 22/01/2024)
Inviting bid for Printing, Binding, Production and supply of 300 copies of Varshik Report 2022-23
Inviting e-tender for allotment of shops vacant in shopping complex
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Hindi Varanmala Cards and Story Sequence Cards - 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Domino Cards and Joker Cards of Jaadui Pitara - 2023
Inviting bid for Printing, Binding, Production and supply of 500 copies of NCERT Annual Report 2022-23
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Hindi Varanmala Tracing Cards and Number Tracing Cards - 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of English Alphabet Cards and English Alphabet Small and Capital Tracing Cards - 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Classification Card and Colour Seriation Cards - 2023
Inviting E-tender for providing the catering service for Kala Utsav 2023-24
Corrigendum with updated e-tender notice
Inviting Quotation for Trophies and Medals - Kala Utsav 2023-24
Inviting Quotation for hiring of truck from NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi to Pune, Maharashtra - and back
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of What is Missing Cards & Memory Cards of Jaadui Pitara- 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Sequential thinking Cards & Joker Cards of Jaadui Pitara- 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Picture Reading Posters(21174) of Jaadui Pitara- 2023
Inviting Quotation for Printing, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Packing and Supply of Story Cards - Kahani Card of Jaadui Pitara- 2023
Inviting quotations for Printing and Fabrication of 25,000 copies of Anand Folder with Pocket and Loose Worksheets Inserted
Empanelment of Offset Printer and Formulation of Schedule of Rates for Offset Printing and Allied Services.
Online e-tenders are invited in two bid system (i.e Technical bid and Financial bid) by the undersigned from reputed and experienced Firm for engagement of Chartered Accountant/Firm in NCERT, New Delhi
Inviting online bids for Empanelment of Firms for the Supply of Items of New Kit (Jaadui Pitara) developed by NCERT
Inviting e-tenders for providing the Catering Services in NIE-Canteen located in NCERT
Inviting quotations for Printing, Manufacturing, Packing and Supply of Cards packed in boxes of Jaadui Pitara - 2023
Inviting quotations for Printing, Manufacturing, Packing and Supply of Picture Poster (21174) of Jaadui Pitara - 2023
Inviting quotations for Printing, Manufacturing, Packing and Supply of Cards (21177) packed in boxes of Jaadui Pitara - 2023
Inviting quotations for Printing, Manufacturing, Packing and Supply of Cards packed in boxes of Jaadui Pitara - 2023, NCERT
Inviting Online bids (Technical & Financial) from reputed and experienced Firm for Rate Contract of Repair of AC equipment of NCERT on Job Order basis
Terms of Reference for conducting the Security Audit of DIKSHA Portal & Mobile Application, N-VSK Portal by CERT-In empaneled agencies
response to Prebid Queries
Inviting Online bids (Technical & Financial) from reputed eligible transporters for Outstation transportation (Interstate) of consignment of books and printing paper.
Inviting Online bids (Technical & Financial) from reputed and experienced experienced Firm for engagement of Chartered Accountant in NCERT, New Delhi
Inviting Online bids (Technical & Financial) from reputed and experienced Firms/Agencies for establishing of 30 work station cubicles, 1 metting room and 1 kitchenette at ESD, NCERT
Inviting online bids through e-Tendering method for providing the Catering Services in NIE Canteen.
Inviting e-tenders in two bid system i.e Technical Bid and Price Bid for the arrangements of stage and other materials for the National level Role Play & Folk Dance Competitions.
Offline Tender (Technical & Financial) are invited for the Rate of Contract of Job items for the Repair / Servicing of Hot equipments on Job Order Basis
Inviting online bids under two bid system for disposal of the condemned/obsolete material pertaining to the different deptt/section of NCERT.
Inviting quotation for hiring of truck from NCERT to Guwahati, Assam - and back.
Inviting sealed offline bids for installation of Mobile Towers in the NCERT Campus
Regarding invitation of rates under limited tender for washing / dry cleaning of curtains, towels, sofa sets and clothes in the council.
Inviting EOI for engaging an international agency to set up the National Assessment Center - PARAKH
EOI Document
Prebid Meeting
Quotation for Binding of Books and Periodicals
Inviting Sealed Quotation for Digitization of NCERT Textbooks, research reports and other documents- English
Tender for installation of a mobile tower in the NCERT campus
Offline Tender (Technical & Financial) are invited for the Rate of Contract of Job items for the Repair / Servicing of Hot equipments on Job Order Basis
Online bids (Technical & Financial) are invited from reputed eligible transporters for Outstations transportation (Interstate) of consignment of books and printing paper
E-Tender for allotment of vacant Shops & Stalls in the NCERT Buildings
Bid/Tender of Engagement of Chartered Accountant/Firm for Filing of TDA Return for the F.Y.2022-23
Limited tender for OMR sheets
Result of Technical Bid for Engagement of Chartered Accountant.
Tender for Rate Contract of Repair of Furniture items of NCERT on Job Order basis.
Tender for providing periodical treatment for pest control in the NCERT Buildings
Tender for Engagement of Chatered Accountant/Firm for Filing TDS Return For NCERT for the F.Y.2022-23
Empanelment of Offset Printers by NCERT ||
Corrigendum Dated 24-12-2021
Corrigendum Dated 31-12-2021
Engagement of tax consultant for filing VAT/GST and other related matter of NCERT HQ including CIET New Delhi
Online bids (Technical & Financial) are invited from reputed eligible transporters for Outstations transportation (Interstate) of consignment of books and printing paper
Corrigendum dated 21.12.2021
Tender for Engagement of Chartered Accountant.
Expression of interest for engagement of actuarial valuation consultant/firm.
E-tender for engagement of tax consultant in NCERT.
E-Tender for the transportation of NCERT Books and Printing paper (local) from NCR Delhi ||
Inviting Quotation for the hiring of vendor for providing the 1 GBPS internet connectivity at CIET
Tender for Repair And Maintenance in NCERT
e-Tender for allotment of vacant Shops & Stalls in the NCERT Buildings
Tender for supply of Educational Kits in NCERT
CAMC of web portal Publication Division
Empanelment of Vendor for Distribution of Books.
Tender for repairing and Re-charge of TATA Sky in the NIE Guest house and PG Hostel NCERT.
Transportation of consignment of Books & Printing paper (Outstations)
Pre-bid Meeting
Date Extended
Date Further Extended
Tender for allotment of vacant Shops & Stalls in the NCERT Buildings
Quotation for Accessibility Audit of e-Pathshala and DIKSHA Platform (Mobile and Web Portal)
CAMC of web portal Publication Division
Tender document for empanelment of manufacturers for supply of Educational Schools Kits
Quotation for Binding Books and periodicals
Corrigendum of Educational kits tender dated 01.02.2021
Corrigendum of Maplitho paper and Art card tender.
GeM Bid Document Art Card
GeM Bid Document Maplitho
Corrigendum of Educational kits tender
Corrigendum of e-tender for Supply of Educational Kits.
Tender for Providing CAMC for maintenance and management of web portal of Publication Division, NCERT
CAMC of IT equipment's installed in different deptt/section of NCERT
Tender for installation of 100Mbps internet lease line in NCERT
Tender for Empanelment of firms for the supply of Educational School kits developed by NCERT
Online bids for CAMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract) of 03 EPABX system
Tender for the procurement of Corel Draw Graphic Suit – Commercial version 2019 or latest with two years upgrade Software for the use in the different division of NCERT HQ
Inviting e-tender to engage professional agency from central/state govt. organisation, central/state govt. enterprises, central/state public sector undertaking (psu), central/state govt. autonomous organisation and private organisations for preparation of detailed project report (dpr) for setting up of regional institute of education (rie) at nellore, andhra pradesh
Inviting online bids through e-Tender on two bid system (Technical & Financial Bid) for allotment of vacant Shops & Stalls, in the NCERT Buildings.
Cancellation of e-Tender for Repairing /Maintenance Tuning of Web Portal "NISHTHA"
Limited tender for printing of NCERT Diaries from Delhi and NCR empaneled Printers.
Inviting online bids under two bid systems (Technical and financial bid) from reputed firms for the disposal of condemned material pertaining to General Section, CIET, NCERT..
Inviting online bids for CAMC of IT equipment's installed in different deptt/section of NCERT Headquarter including CIET.
Inviting online e-tender under two bid system from companies/firms/organization for Evaluation of National Talent Search Scheme in Educational Survey Division (ESD) of NCERT.
Inviting e-tender to engage professional agency from central/state govt. organisation, central/state govt. enterprises, central/state public sector undertaking (psu), central/state govt. autonomous organisation and private organisations for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for setting up of Regional Institute of Education (RIE) at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
Inviting online bids under two bid systems (Technical and financial bid) from reputed firms for the disposal of condemned material pertaining to General Section, CIET, NCERT.
Inviting quotation for Binding of Books and Periodicals.
Debarment of M/s. Vishal Coaters Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. DSG Papers Pvt. Ltd